'More kids than on-duty cops killed by guns. More kids than soldiers killed by guns. For God’s sake. How much more carnage are we willing to accept? How many more innocent American lives must be taken before we say enough? Enough.'
in the U.S. on Thursday evening, calling for a ban of assault weapons, expansion of background checks and the approval of “red flag” laws, which would let authorities take guns from people at high risk of harming themselves or others., where 19 children and two teachers were killed at Robb Elementary School by an 18-year-old gunman on May 24, Biden pleaded with Congress to pass gun legislation.. “It’s about protecting children. It’s about protecting families.
“Think about that. More kids than on-duty cops killed by guns. More kids than soldiers killed by guns. For God’s sake. How much more carnage are we willing to accept? How many more innocent American lives must be taken before we say enough? Enough,” Biden said.already passed key measures for expanding background checks and getting rid of loopholes on gun sales. And they plan to add safe storage requirements and raise the age to buy an assault weapon to 21, among other efforts. But, in order to get anything done in the Senate, a minimum of 10 Republican senators— and right now that seems impossible with GOP leaders like Mitch McConnell in power.
“I support the bipartisan efforts that include a small group of Democrats and Republican senators trying to find a way. But my God. The fact that the majority of the Senate Republicans don’t want any of these proposals even to be debated or come up for a vote, I find unconscionable,” Biden said during his speech, adding, “We can’t fail the American people again.”