Helen Mirren, 76, Rocked XXL Platinum Gray Hair at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival
took to Instagram to break the look down. “You won't believe who owns this hair,” he said in a video. “Helen Mirren!”
Smith explained that long length is a trend for summer, and he loves that Mirren rocked it. “I think this might be the coolest thing I’ve ever seen,” he said. “I love challenging age stereotypes and I just think that [Mirren] is so smart and so bold for doing something so current, so out there, and so unexpected.”Although Mirren’s extensions were platinum, the star’s natural gray-meets-white color peeked through—something she’s quite proud of.
She praised other “spectacular” women who have made the leap and encouraged others to go through with it. “Going gray is to be encouraged—that’s not to say you can’t have fun with your hair, because it’s a very important part of how you feel about yourself. People should do whatever makes them feel comfortable,” she said.
As for how she keeps her luscious locks looking their best, she’s said she uses a more minimal approach. Aside from events, she