Tony Gibb employs hundreds of people to help run his farm – but with the climate one of his key challenges, he's also now got a world-leading climate scientist on the books.'s Bureau of Meteorology is yet to officially declare an El Niño, but food growers are already bracing for hotter, drier conditions ahead.A Queensland vegetable grower is consulting a leading climate scientist to prepare for future weather
Some farmers are even employing climate scientists as a normal part of their business, to help better manage climate risk. Above-average rainfall has made recent years highly productive for many in the region, but there is concern that could be changing. While a La Niña usually means wetter, cooler weather, an El Niño can mean reduced rainfall and hotter temperaturesEl Niño is just one of many climate drivers that influence the weather in Australia.
Moderating the trend in global average surface temperature over time , La Niña has a cooling influence, while El Niño has a warming influence . Volcanic eruptions can also have cooling effect.