This update is boring — and that’s a good thing.
or newer) as a MacBook webcam. As long as you’ve got your phone near your MacBook, and as long as its iOS version is up to date, the two should connect automatically. You get a pop-up on the phone, and you click “yes.”
, but I was quite impressed with how it worked on my test laptop . It hasn’t made the lid too top-heavy as I worried it might. It is small and monochromatic enough that it’s a bit easy to lose if you’re someone like me who loses things, so make sure you’ve got a place to put it if it’s not going to live on your phone.
Folks who aren’t like me, though, may also be interested to know that you can now start a FaceTime call right from Safari with everyone else who is participating in a shared Tab Group or from a collaborative file with others who are working on it.RelatedSo they redid the System Preferences app , and that’s been a bit of a… journey., you couldn’t resize or move the app at all, and it was just this immobile column in the center of your screen.