He's the 15th alderperson who has either stepped down mid-term since being elected in 2019, or announced they won't run again in 2023.
Ald. Howard Brookins , Ald. Susan Sadlowski Garza , Ald. Tom Tunney , Ald. Leslie Hairston , Ald. Harry Osterman , Ald. James Cappleman , and indicted Ald. Carrie Austin also plan to retire at the end of their terms next year.
Ald. George Cardenas likely will exit before the end of the year if, as expected, he is elected to serve on the Cook County Board of Review. Three other current city council members ran for other elected offices in 2022, but were defeated in the June primary elections, meaning they will stay in their seats on the City Council for now: Ald. Chris Taliaferro ran for a seat as a Cook County judge, and Ald. Pat Dowell and Ald. Gilbert Villegas both ran for Congress.