The shooting in Sacramento that left six people dead over the weekend has prompted urgent calls across the state for more gun control. The question is, how much further can California go?
But in a country withof firearms, even states with strict gun laws have a difficult time keeping illegal guns off the streets.
"States like California that have taken strong action on gun safety are to some extent at the mercy of states ... next door," says Freilich. He pointed to the example of Arizona, where"today, you can buy an unlimited quantity of assault weapons with hundred-round magazines with no background check."A person passes a memorial near the location of this past weekend's mass shooting in Sacramento, Calif.
The shooting in Sacramento"happened despite some serious, effective efforts to protect people in the state," Freilich says.By adopting the country's strongest gun measures, California takes on another task: defending the constitutionality of those laws in a country where gun rights and gun control are a seemingly never-ending battle.A few weeks later, a three-judge panel on the Court of Appeals blocked that decision for now.