The Resort, Everything I Know About Love, The Undeclared War, and more great titles you'll want to stream this month.
If you want a funnier version of a Sally Rooney novel, then may I present to you. I am absolutely smitten with this BBC/Peacock comedy from the wonderful mind of Dolly Alderton, who is both the creator of the show and the author of the memoir its based on. I first heard of Alderton when my book club read her noveland unanimously adored it .
There is nothing groundbreaking on the plot side, but the dialogue and situational humor is so much fun, and I breezed right through the saga of love and friendship. Keep an eye on Dolly Alderton. More great stuff must be coming our way.One year on Christmas break at my grandma’s house in Florida, I was channel-surfing and stumbled upon an episode of. Some seven hours later, I stumbled out of my fake-blood-induced reverie, having polished off a full season in a cable marathon.