For subscribers: Arizona Republican House candidates Eli Crane and Juan Ciscomani have staked out campaign positions that Washington spends too much money. But both took money from the Paycheck Protection Program.
Crane and Ciscomani used the loans in line with the law's purpose, which was to save jobs. Small businesses keeping their workers employed, the Trump administration argued, was crucial to the economy.The PPP had support in 2020, and even now, Crane and Ciscomani's challengers' have not been entirely critical.
However, Johanna Warshaw, a DCCC spokesperson, said Ciscomani and Crane's actions are contrary to their publicly stated views. "It doesn't get more hypocritical than Eli Crane and Juan Ciscomani pocketing COVID relief dollars for themselves while opposing the same relief for hard-working Arizonans," she told The Republic in a written statement."Their ‘money for me but not for thee’ approach just isn’t going to work in the Grand Canyon State.”, Crane, while appearing to get a tattoo, says:"The problem with Washington politicians is: they have no skin in the game.
“Trillion in debt. This is the type of wreckless behavior that got us here in the first place. Coming in dead last are the American People. The collective sell out of America continues ... Best part is, who do you think pays for this in the end? How long will the dollar hold it’s value as we continue printing money we don’t have?”
In addition, on his campaign site, Crane says: “Arizona’s economy is strong because of conservative policies – we can’t let Washington politicians and Democrats weaken our state with bad policies like trillions of dollars in handouts and higher taxes ..."