Apparently root beer tastes like medicine to a lot of non-Americans! 😯
, it's asking non-Americans what they think about American foods. In that spirit, here are a bunch of American foods that non-Americans LOVE, and a bunch more that they...don't quite love as much .For extra fun, I — an American from the Midwest — will weigh in and decide if these non-Americans are correct in their love/hate of our cuisine or not.
Next day he brought it up and we worked it out... His family raised pigs. Corn on the cob is what he fed his pigs. I fed him pig food."Corn on the cob is difficult to eat, it gets all up in your teeth, and it's really only good because we put a bunch of butter and salt on it."My S.O. is Swiss and is appalled by Kraft Mac and Cheese. He could not believe I was looking forward to ingesting orange powder mixed with noodles.