More than 1.4 million candidates are expected to woo the electorate and show why they deserve to be their next village and youth council leaders
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MANILA, Philippines – It’s official campaign season again in the Philippines, as aspirants for the 2023 barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections try to court voters ahead of the October 30 vote.Prior to this window, campaigning was not allowed, and a Commission on Elections task force alreadyagainst more than 100 candidates for violating the election code prohibition on premature campaigning.
Handing T-shirts, ballers, bags, sun visors, caps, umbrellas, handkerchiefs, pens, fans, ballers, candies, food and drinks, and other items of value during and after a campaign sortie is also prohibited.Local counterparts of the Committee on Kontra Bigay have been tasked to act on vote-buying and vote-selling complaints, and file petitions for disqualification against offenders, if necessary.More than 1.